Saturday, March 18, 2006

I'm Back

Sorry for my negligence! I have been really busy, but I will try to catch you up on my movie seeing. I have seen quite a few so hold on.

Hoodwinked- A very funny movie! All kids will love this one. However it is a one-time-wonder I am afraid. Once you see it you probably won't want to see it again. It is a great movie to rent but to buy--no.

Dreamer- This movie is for the whole entire family! This is a keeper. The whole family can watch it. All ages will love this one. The swearing was very low-key only one or two. I loved this one. It is a must BUY!!!

Just like Heaven- I really enjoyed this one. This movie is rated PG 13, I think. But I think girls of all ages would love this one. It is a total chick-flick but a great one at that. It also has the guy from Napoleon Dynamite in it, he was totally funny in this one.

Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe- I absolutely loved this movie!!! My church went to see it, and we all loved it. However the stone table scene is pretty graphic so you might want to keep smaller kids away from this one. But this movie is something you would want to buy and watch over and over again. Its coming out just in time for Easter too!!

March of The Penguins- It was an OK movie. It was a documentary so kids might get bored with this one very quick. The penguins were very cute and entertaining to watch. But I don't think this would be another one you would want to buy. I don't think you would watch this one over and over either.

Chicken Little- My little sister went to see this one with my dad. And she HATED this movie. She was bored through the whole thing and eventually asked if they could leave. But however older kids might actually like this movie. But I am not sure, I haven't seen this one for myself so you can make that decision.

Curious George-My little sister also went to go see this movie with my dad. And she LOVED this movie, she laughed the whole time and was captivated by the bright colors and wasn't bored for a second. Kids from 1-10 would love this movie if your older than 10 you might be bored.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire- I personally loved this movie! I love Harry Potter movies. But this one is a very, very dark movie. If your kids haven't read the book then you might want to steer them away from this one. It is a very dark one. But kids who have read the story and know the story line will enjoy this one thoroughly! The special effects rock, and I loved it.
Yours Mine and Ours- I really liked this movie. It is a movie the whole family can watch. It is not exactly like the Old Yours Mine and Ours, but it does a pretty good job. It has been modernized. I think every kid would love this movie. It has some very funny parts. It depends on who you are if you would want to buy this movie.
Zathura- A sequel to Jumangi and it is obvious. The story line is very similar to Jumangi (I don't know how to spell that) I think boys would like this one more than girls for obvious reasons. A lot of things get destroyed and the setting is in outerspace. This one would be a good buy. I personally liked it and think kids would enjoy it. It wasn't as scary as Jumangi.
Eight below- This movie was inspired by a true story. It was a inspiring movie, and I really liked this one. Some of the scenes are really scary and one scene in particular caught us all off guard when something popped out. It scared all the little kids and screams could be heard from all over the theater. Even my dad screamed--it was really funny. I couldn't stop laughing at him. But I think any kid would enjoy this movie. Especially dog lovers.
I figure this is enough for now. I hope to continue up on updating my blog. Sorry that I kept you waiting. See you later!